Using a Credit Card? At These Restaurants It’ll Cost You.
As inflation and high credit card fees continue to affect a restaurant’s bottom line, more owners are tacking on a…
Gen Z’s Housing Anguish
To afford rent, young American adults are making tough choices.
Unusual Suspects
Every child is a detective. It comes with the territory. Childhood is a constant state of trying to unravel the…
China’s Woes Loom Large Over the Global Markets
A downturn in the world’s second biggest economy, and growing fears about its real estate sector, are making investors jittery.
Why Is America Such a Deadly Place?
Death is excessive in America, and the more you look the more distressing the picture seems. You’ve probably heard about…
The Absurd Republican Argument for Rolling Back Child Labor Laws
Last week, a law went into effect in Arkansas that allows 14- and 15-year-olds to work without a permit signed…
On Dates, I Now Look for Climate Compatibility
The day that wildfire smoke triggered the fire alarms in our Portland, Ore., apartment, I looked at my then-boyfriend and…
This Is the Music America Needs
In an Era of Extreme Polarization, Can Music Bring Us Together? Listen to the music that inspired this piece and…
Trump Election Charges Set Up Clash of Lies Versus Free Speech
The indictment of former President Donald J. Trump over his efforts to retain power accuses him of conspiracies built on…
‘Huberman Husbands,’ ‘Bro Diets’ and the ‘Masculine’ Branding of Fitness Culture
It started with a suspicious green sludge at the bottom of our drinking glasses. I kept finding evidence of this…