
1922: Thief Returns Diplomat’s Stolen Wallet

Credit…International Herald Tribune

(By Special Leased Wire.) LONDON, Thursday. — Just before the America sailed from Southampton today a member of the United States Consulate staff hurried to the liner with a sealed packet for Mr. George W. P. Hunt, recent American Minister to Siam. The packet contained Mr. Hunt’s wallet, stolen in London. The private papers and documents were intact as well as a check for sixteen thousand dollars, but a sum of money was missing. When his wallet disappeared, Mr. Hunt suspected the identity of the culprit, and wrote, saying that if he returned the papers and the check he could keep the money, provided he promised to go straight. Mr. Hunt received no answer until the package was delivered to him today, having been received by post from London. The former Minister declined to discuss the incident.

— The New York Herald, European Edition, January 20, 1922.

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